Anatomical System


  • Anatomical System 4331 ➥
    • anatomical site 223 ➥
      • head and neck
      • thorax 1 ➥
        • thoracic wall
      • abdomen
      • pelvis
      • perineum
      • upper limb
      • lower limb
      • whole body 30 ➥
      • adipose tissue 190 ➥
      • mucosa
      • spine 2 ➥
    • cardiovascular system 62 ➥
      • heart 40 ➥
        • atrium
        • ventricle 2 ➥
        • endocardium
        • myocardium
        • pericardium
        • cardiac valve
        • cardiac conducting system
      • artery 15 ➥
        • aorta 2 ➥
        • arterial intima 5 ➥
        • arterial media
        • arterial adventitia
        • carotid artery
        • coronary artery
      • vein 1 ➥
        • venous intima 1 ➥
        • venous media
        • venous adventitia
      • capillary
    • respiratory system 187 ➥
      • nose
      • sinus
      • larynx 1 ➥
      • trachea
      • bronchus
      • lung 175 ➥
      • pleura
      • diaphragm
    • hematological system 385 ➥
    • lymphoreticular system 2 ➥
      • lymph
      • lymph node
      • tonsil
      • spleen
    • alimentary system 123 ➥
    • urogenital system 301 ➥
      • urinary system 132 ➥
        • kidney 130 ➥
          • nephron 7 ➥
            • renal corpuscle
              • glomerus
            • renal tubule 6 ➥
              • renal proximal convoluted tubule
              • renal distal convoluted tubule
              • loop of Henle
              • renal collecting duct
          • renal vasculature 5 ➥
          • glomerulus 5 ➥
        • ureter
        • bladder 1 ➥
        • urethra
      • reproductive system 169 ➥
    • endocrine system 10 ➥
      • endocrine pancreas
        • islets of Langerhans
      • pineal gland 1 ➥
      • pituitary gland 1 ➥
      • thyroid
      • parathyroid
      • adrenal gland 2 ➥
        • adrenal cortex
        • adrenal medulla
    • musculoskeletal system 529 ➥
    • integument system 1602 ➥
    • nervous system 767 ➥
      • central nervous system 737 ➥
        • brain 734 ➥
          • cerebrum 334 ➥
            • cerebral cortex 334 ➥
              • frontal lobe 84 ➥
                • prefrontal cortex 3 ➥
              • parietal lobe 78 ➥
              • temporal lobe 31 ➥
              • occipital lobe
              • visual
              • insula
              • olfactory bulb
              • anterior olfactory nucleus
              • lateral olfactory stria
              • medial olfactory stria
              • olfactory tubercle
              • primary olfactory cortex
              • secondary olfactory cortex
              • hippocampus 137 ➥
              • parahippocampal gyrus
            • basal nuclei
          • hypothalamus 1 ➥
            • preoptic nucleus
            • supraoptic nucleus
            • suprachiasmatic nucleus
            • paraventricular nucleus
            • infundibular nucleus
            • anterior nucleus
            • dorsomedial nucleus
            • ventromedial nucleus
            • lateral nucleus
            • posterior nucleus
            • premamillary nucleus
            • tuberomamillary nucleus
            • medial mamillary nucleus
            • lateral mamillary nucleus
            • lateral tuberal nucleus
          • brain stem 12 ➥
            • midbrain 2 ➥
              • crus cerebri
              • colliculi
              • substantia nigra 2 ➥
              • red nucleus
              • periaqueductal grey matter
              • oculomotor nucleus
              • trochlear nucleus
              • mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
            • pons 10 ➥
              • vestibular nuclei
              • cochlear nuclei
              • superior olivary nucleus
              • trapezoid nucleus
              • nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
              • abducent nucleus
              • facial nucleus
              • salivatory nuclei
              • trigeminal nucleus
          • cerebellum 14 ➥
            • cerebellum cortex
            • cerebellum nuclei
          • tract 1 ➥
          • ventricular system
          • cerebrospinal fluid
          • meninges
          • white matter 5 ➥
          • grey matter 2 ➥
          • blood brain barrier 4 ➥
        • spinal cord
      • peripheral nervous system 25 ➥
        • visual apparatus 17 ➥
          • globe
          • eyelid 1 ➥
          • lacrimal gland
          • conjunctiva
          • cornea
          • sclera
          • lens 6 ➥
          • vitreous humor 1 ➥
          • iris
          • ciliary body
          • choroid
          • retina
          • optic nerve
          • trabecular meshwork
        • auditory apparatus 8 ➥
          • external ear
          • middle ear
          • tympanum
          • auditory tube
          • auditory ossicle
          • internal ear 8 ➥
            • osseous labyrinth 8 ➥
              • cochlea 8 ➥
                • spiral organ of Corti
              • semicircular canal
              • vestibule
            • membranous labyrinth
        • olfactory apparatus
        • peripheral nerve
        • ganglion
        • sympathetic chain
    • immune system 98 ➥

Changes associated with this tissue

Due to the potentially large amount of high-throughput molecular changes these have been excluded below. You can view the full list of 4292 changes through the filter results page.

Physiological (348) View on results page

Ability to secrete acid load decreases Abnormal labored breathing index Accumulation of extracellular neuritic plaques Accumulation of neuromelanin in dopaminergic nigral neurons Adipocyte formation increases Advanced glycation end products increases in aging human skeletal muscle Age differences in classical conditioning of the eyelid response Air flow resistance increases Albumin levels decrease Aldosterone secretion, blood levels and clearance decrease Alterations in frequency, developmental potential and gene expression profile in hematopoietic stem cells Alterations in structural proteins and cell membranes in the lenses Altered brain mitochondrial metabolism Altered cardiovascular response during heating Altered concentration of sodium, potassium and calcium Alveolar duct size increases Alveoli's ability decreases Aortic pulse wave velocity increases Apoptotic pathway in response to stimuli disrupted Arterial rigidity gradually increases Arteriosclerosis Atrophy of all four layers of large intestine Atrophy of hypodermal layer Atrophy of mucosal lining in small intestine Attenuated vasoconstriction response to cold Axon loss Basal heat production decreases Basal oxygen uptake per kilogram of body water unchanged Basement membranes of glomeruli and tubules thicken Benign prostatic hyperplasia Beta-galactosidase expression increases in mesenchymal stem cells Blood cholesterol increases Blood flow to liver decreases Blood sugar changes Blood volume per unit of body weight unchanged B naive cells' susceptibility to apoptosis decreases Body fat increases Body temperature circadian rhythm flattens Body temperature decreases with age Body weight declines Bone becomes more brittle, less flexible Bone density of total hip and femoral neck decreases Bone loss Bone mass decreases Bone mineral density in cortical ulna decreases Bone porosity increases Bone remodeling decreases Bone resorption increases for cortical bone Brain matter volume declines Brain volume decrease Brain volume decreases in a regional-specific way Calcification makes cartilage more brittle Calcification of cartilage matrix Calcification of costal cartilage Calcium absorption in intestine decreases Calcium binding capacity decreases in neurons Capacity of mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts may be decreased Capacity of neuromusclar junctions to transmit impulses decreases Carbohydrate homeostasis deficits following glucose challenge Cardiac index decreased Cartilage asbestos transformation€ Cartilage calcification interferes with normal diffusion metabolism Cartilage color changes Cartilage joint surface cracks and frays Cartilage matrix softening and cavity formation Cartilage matrix synthesis to degradation ratio decreases Cartilage resiliency decreases Cell number decreases in cartilage Cell proliferation increases Cellular hypertrophy in left ventricular wall Cerebral blood flow and glucose utilization are reduced Cerebral spinal fluid amount increases Change in weave of dermis collagen fibers Changes in fat distribution Changes in glycosaminoglycan/proteoglycan Changes to dermis collagen fiber bundles Changes to elastin fibers in lower dermis Chemotaxis and adhesion activity unchanged in vitro Chemotaxis and respiratory burst capacity in response to GM-CSF priming decreased Chemotaxis is reduced Cholesterol level - High (Female) Cholesterol level - High (Male) Chondroitin sulfate molecules are smaller Chondroitin sulfate molecules' water-binding capacity is decreased Chromosome deletions, duplications, and gene conversion events accumulate with age Chronic inflammation increases Circadian plasma melatonin flattened Circadian Rhythm Cold-induced heat production tends to decrease Color of lenses increases Compliance of parenchyma increases Cortical plasticity decreases Cortisol levels increased Creatinine clearance declines Critical decline in fine motor hand movements Cytotoxicity and interleukin-2 response of natural killer cells decreases Decline in epidermis keratinocyte turnover Decline in ovarian estrogen production Decline in respiratory muscle fibers Declining T-lymphocyte production in the thymus Decreased ability to maintain body temperature when exposed to cold Decreased ability to modulate heat loss Decreased amounts of collagen IV and VII, and abnormal elastin in dermis Decreased/disorganized fibril network of dermis Decreased function of epithelial barriers Decrease in alveoli elasticity and recoil forces Decrease in amplitude of peristaltic pressure wave in upper esophogeal sphincter Decrease in collagen in the venous intima Decrease in dermal papillae density Decrease in melatonin concentration and loss of circadian rhythm for secretion Decrease in mitochondrial content and oxidative metabolism in cells Decrease in number of acinar cells Decreases in intevertebral spaces Deficiencies in generating secondary peristaltic contractions Deficits in homeostatic equilibrium controlled by endocrine system Degeneration of dopamine neurons and receptors Demyelination Dendrite regression, reduction in dendrite length Dental wear and tear Depletion of hair follicle melanocytes Depolarization of mitochondria Dermal collagen atrophies D-glucose absorption decreased DHEA levels decrease Diastolic blood pressure changes Diastolic dysfunction with aging Dietary protein required to induce renal sclerotic lesions decreases Diminished superoxide production in response to Fc Diminishing of glandular secretions Diminution in the resting cardiac output DNA damage acummulates in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells Down regulation of calcium clearance from nerve cells D-xylose absorption decreases Dynamic compliance decreases Dysphagia incidence increases Earlier circadian temperature phase EEG alterations during auditory test Elastic and smooth muscle layers increase in size Elastic fiber number in the lungs decreases Elastic fibers become fragmented, redistributed, and thinned Elastin fibers lost from upper layers of dermis Endothelial cells more irregular in size and shape Enteric neuron loss Epidermis held less tightly to dermis E-rosette-forming cells decrease Esophageal acid contact time increased Exocrine pancreatic function unchanged Expansion into effector cells is reduced Eye lenses become much stiffer Facets of heart physiology altered during exercise Fewer CD4+ and CD8+ cells Fewer cells and higher apoptosis Fibril types in cartilage matrix are altered Forced expiratory volume decreases Forced vital capacity decreases Fractures are cleaner Frequency of mitochondrial DNA deletions increases with age Frequency of somatic mitochondrial mutations increases with age Functional decline and decreases in macrophage numbers in bone marrow Function declines Gait width increases Gastric lipase and bile acid secretion decreases Gastric secretions diminish Glands change in appearance Glial cell number Global neuron loss Glomerular filtration rate declines Glomeruli crowd together Glomeruli number decreases Glycosylation of immunoglobulin G molecules changes with age Gray matter volume decreases Grip strength decreases Grip strength decreases Hair greying Heart physiology measurements unchanged Heart physiology parameters altered Hematopoietic cells accumulate random mutations Hot flushes Immune response to Epstein-Barr virus decreases in cytomegalovirus positive individuals Incidence of anergia increases Increased bilateral anterior frontal activity in memory interference tests Increased rhinal cortex activity and functional connectivity in tests for verbal familiarity Increased sustained activity in tests of working memory Increased transient activity in non-spatial auditory working memory test Increase in adverse effects on salivary gland by anticholinergics Increase in amplitude and duration of peristaltic pressure wave in hypopharyngeal sphincter Increase in cells that are both CD8+ and CD28-null Increase in collagen in the arterial intima Increase in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) preceding menopause Increase in IgA Increase in incidence of diverticulosis Increase in total number of cells Infiltration at injury site is reduced Inhibin levels decline Interleukin-15 levels decrease in plasma and muscle Interleukin-6 plasma levels are elevated in response to acute systemic inflammation Interstitial fibrosis in medulla Intima undergoes diffuse thickening Intracellular glutathione content decreases Joint cushioning reduced K-ATP channels upregulated in human myometrium Kidney mass gradually lost Kyphosis Layer-specific dendritic regression of pyramidal cells Lean body mass decreases Less antibodies generated Leukoaraiosis Lipid absorption and solubilization decreases Lipid biosynthesis decreases Lipofuscin increases Localized increases and decreases in synaptic transmission Loss of elastic recoil Loss of liver regeneration with age Loss of muscle torque Loss of peripheral motor neurons Loss of smooth padding provided by hypodermal fat cells Loss of subcutaneous adipose skin layer Lower affinity antibodies generated Male baldness Male fertility Maximal inspiratory pressure decreases Maximum volume of air in lungs decreases Maximum workload in response to exercise stress decreases Mean blood glucose level increases Mean diffusivity increases and water diffusion anisotropy decreases Medial temporal activation during encoding and retrieval of memory is reduced Menopause and female fertility loss Metabolic syndrome components associated with measures of arterial stiffness Microvascular alterations in arterioles, capillaries, and venules in dermis/hypodermis Migrating motor complex is prolonged Mineralization of bone tissue increases Mitochondrial DNA content in non-centenerians decreases with age Morning concentration of oestrone (E1) declines Morning concentration of sex-hormone binding globulin declines Morning concentrations of oestradiol decline Morning concentrations of testosterone decline Mosaic abnormalities increase Motor coordination decreases Motor function impairment evident in altered gait and balance Mouth becomes drier Muscle atrophy (sarcopenia) Muscle characteristics change with aging Muscle fiber energy metabolism declines Muscle mass and strength loss Mutations in mitochondrial DNA accumulate Myenteric plexus neuron number decreases Naive cell number increases and memory cells decrease Nephrons appear to fail as units Neural stem cell pool declines Neurofibrillary tangles and Lewy bodies in neurons Neurogenesis is reduced Neuronal soma shrinks in size Neurotransmitter and neuro receptor concentrations are altered No changes in erythroid and myeloid progenitor cells evident Nonadrenergic innervation of myenteric plexus decreases Number and differentiation potential of adipose tissue-derived stem cells declines with age Number of alveoli decreases Number of mature B cells leaving the bone marrow declines Number of mutations in offsprings increases Number of T cell progenitors declines Orthostatic hypotension incidence increases Osteoblast differentiation decreases Osteoporosis: progressive loss of bone strength Oxidative increase in cystine/cysteine ratio Pancreatic Beta-cell replication decrease Parkinsonian signs Peak flow decreases Peristaltic amplitude is diminished Permeability increases with age Phagocytosis activity decreased in response to opsonized targets Phagocytosis activity unchanged in response to unopsonized targets Phosphate reabsorption decreased Plasma and urinary catecholamine elevation after stimuli Possible blunting of growth hormone secretion increase in response to multiple stimuli Postprandial serum bile acids decrease Prefrontal cortex activation during learning is reduced Pro-B cell generation and differentiation declines Progressive liquefaction Prolactin decreases in females Prolactin increases in males Proliferation is reduced Proliferation rate of mesenchymal stem cells is reduced Prolongation of calcium signals in nerve cells Proteoglycan alterations in cartilage Ratio of oxidized to unoxidized plasma albumin increases Reaction time for a visually paced simple motor task increases with age Receptor expression alterations Reduced hippocampal activity and functional connectivity in tests for verbal familiarity Reduced type II muscle fiber Reduction in renal function Reduction in small intestine absorption rate Reduction in total body protein Regulation of the acid-base equilibrium of the blood unchanged Renal blood flow declines Renewal capacity declines Renewal rate of cardiomyocytes decreases with age Respiratory drive decreases Respiratory muscle strength declines Responses to hypoxemia and hypercapnia are decreased Response to antidiuretic hormone decreased Response to beta-adrenergic stimulation decreased Responsiveness of cholinergic receptors is decreased Resting and squeeze pressures in anal canal decrease Resting metabolic rate decreases with ageing ROS production in response to stimuli unchanged Selective increase in oxidative damage and decrease in antioxidant function during aging in the substantia nigra Sensitivity of HPA axis is impaired Sex hormone binding globulin levels increase Shift in reduced:oxidized glutathione ratio in favour of oxidized gluthione Skin thinning Slowing down of peristaltic motion in alimentary canal Sodium conservation decreased Sperm motility and concentration Spontaneous production of superoxide decreased Sweating capacity decreases Synaptic density slightly decreases at advanced ages Synovial fluid alterations Systolic blood pressure increases T-cell diversity declines Telomere shortening Tendons' ability to elongate decreases The ratio of free to bound water increases Threshold sensational level for rectal filling increase Thymic hormone levels decrease Thymus involution Total body potassium declines Total body water decreases Transmission of visible light through eye lenses decreases Transport maximum for glucose declines Triglyceride levels increase Urine concentrating capacity decreases Vaccination antibody response is impaired Variability in clearance of hepatically metabolized drugs Variations in body weight Variations in fat mass Vasodilation induced by acetylcholine or sodium reduced Ventilatory rate at maximum exertion decreases Viscoelastic modulus of brain tissue decreases Vision loss Vitamin C levels decrease Volume of hematopoietic bone marrow decreases Volume of perivascular space around thymus increases Wall increases in thickness Weakening of intestinal wall Weaker digestive tract muscle contractions White matter volume decreases Widespread degeneration of glomerular blood vessels Wrinkles

Psychological (22) View on results page

Molecular (29; 3798 in total) View on results page

Changes from high-throughput approaches are excluded but can be viewed on the results page.

Pathological (95) View on results page

Acute myocardial infarction Acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart diseases Alzheimer's disease Anemia Aortic aneurism and dissection Arthritis (Female) Arthritis (Male) Asthma Asthma Attack Prevalence (Female) Asthma Attack Prevalence (Male) Atherosclerosis Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease Bladder cancer Breast cancer Cancer Cancer, all (Female) Cancer, all (Male) Cancer of colon, rectum and anus Cancer of corpus uteri and uterus, part unspecified Cancer of esophagus Cancer of kidney and renal pelvis Cancer of larynx Cancer of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx Cancer of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts Cancer of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue Cancer of meninges, brain and other parts of central nervous system Cancer of trachea, bronchus and lung Cervical cancer Cholelithiasis and other disorders of gallbladders Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Chronic lower respiratory diseases Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Female) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease incidence increases Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Male) Coronary artery disease incidence increases Coronary heart disease (Female) Coronary heart disease (Male) Cytomegalovirus infection incidence increases Diabetes (Female) Diabetes (Male) Diabetes mellitus Diseases of heart Edentulism (Tooth Loss) (Female) Edentulism (Tooth Loss) (Male) Emphysema Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease Heart attack (Female) Heart attack (Male) Heart disease (Female) Heart disease (Male) Heart failure Hip fracture risk increases Hodgkin's disease Human Mortality (All Causes) Hypertension (high BP or taking meds) (Female) Hypertension (high BP or taking meds) (Male) Hypertensive heart and renal disease Hypertensive heart disease Influenza Ischemic heart disease Kidney diseases Leukemia Lifetime Asthma Diagnosis (Female) Lifetime Asthma Diagnosis (Male) Major cardiovascular diseases Mental Health (psychological distress) (Female) Mental Health (psychological distress) (Male) More severe manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Osteoarthritis Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease Ovarian cancer Overweight/Obesity - Obese (Female) Overweight/Obesity - Obese (Male) Overweight/Obesity - Overweight (Female) Overweight/Obesity - Overweight (Male) Overweight/Obesity - Severely Obese (Female) Overweight/Obesity - Severely Obese (Male) Pancreatic cancer Parkinson's disease Peptic ulcer Pneumonia Presbycusis Prostate cancer Renal arteriosclerosis Renal failure Septicemia Skin cancer Small airway obstruction Stomach cancer Stroke Stroke (Female) Stroke (Male) Viral hepatitis